Who is the Practitioner Program for?

Full time practitioners who will use Heart Hand Land as their primary apothecary for filling formulas (bulk herbs, powders, and extracts) who are looking to make income off of formulas.


$500 - 12 month access

$300 - 6 month access

You get access to a 30% discount on our apothecary offerings:

Tinctures/Extracts: $11/oz $7.70/oz

Bulk Herbs/Powders: $3.74/oz $2.62/oz

Other benefits:

  • Expedited formula fills

  • Wholesale prices on single extracts: $6/oz for any size

  • Personalized access to discounts through Dispensary Tree

In Practice:

Let’s say you see 4 clients a month…

Among those clients, you formulate 40oz of tincture and 30oz of tea combined…

Retail Rate total:


Practitioner Program Total:


If you offered those formulas to your clients at the suggested retail rate ($11) your profit would be $166 that month.

The practitioner program gives you the flexibility to mark up your formulas or offer sliding scale to your clients.

With an average using the example above that's almost $2000 over the span of a year for a small annual or fee!

If you are interested in joining the Practitioner Program or would like more information, fill out the form below and we will be in touch: